Wow. Bought this bass second hand at Bass Centre South Melbourne earlier this year and still cant get the smile off my face! i've owned and played a lot of bass guitars over the past 50 years and this is the closest to my perfect instrument that i have found. The whole package is so incredibly smooth, responsive and expressive to the touch matching a silky smooth action with an incredible range of tonal and sound options. Just keeps on giving and has inspired me to push my improvisation capabilities to a new level. Hard to believe you can buy such a quality custom shop instrument (even new) at such an affordable price.
I’ve played a SRF700 exclusively now for about two years. In the hand it is silky smooth, a delight to pick up and play. The piezo system is great - I use a lot of piezo with slight mixing with the Bartolinis, but the Bs can put in a wide range of tone for heavier sounds. The shortcomings? I would have liked a thumb anchor of some kind - my right thumb has worn off some finish near the neck pup. And the battery compartment is so tight that changing batteries is a pain - need it be such a tight fit? Overall? I’d buy it again, and in looking for a 5-string I keep eyeing off the SRF705 ... and, of course, the Gary Willis.
Hit the store last Tuesday and played a bunch of fretless basses and this one just spoke to me. Amazing scope for different sounds with the three pickups. Bridge Bart with treble flat, bass boost and a little piezo dialed in for added character just SCREAMS jazz. Playable, well priced...loving this little puppy!