I have owned this cab for about 12 years now & it's never let me down. It's also never sounded outdated, & it always thumps & wallops. I have had it paired with an SVT3 Pro from day 1, which has also been reliable & always able to give me whatever tone I desire. Everybody says, 'Great Rock sound' about this setup, but it really does cater & with top marks to all styles & tones. I recently played a gig with my NG2 plugged straight in, & I cannot describe in words, diagrams or song the sound that this combination produced. Probably should've charged an extra fee (chiropractic) for the adjustments I made to the crowd in the 1st couple of rows!
This is amazing. I will never buy another cab. when this cab reaches it's end i will give it a vikings funeral, weep, and drink myself into a stupor for the duration of the mourning peroid. But seriously, i never believed it when people said the tone comes from the cab until i was trying out a GK 700rb in the shop and played through this cab. It did leave me eating noodles for a bit, but the extra cash is more than worth the quality of the sound that comes out of it. I've bought this to all gigs that i've had since picking it up and it's stayed on stage for the night.. it handles all tones well and just keeps going. the dial helps heaps when playing between indoors or outdoors and it's neigh-on-indistructable. constant gigging and throwing in and out of cars hasn't even scuffed it. the closest thing to a negative i can say about it is that it's heavy as ****. start deadlifting at the gym 'cause you're gonna need the strength. either that or hide it in a duffel bag and say it's part of the drumkit... that'll work.
Ive had this cab for some time now. I run it with the Ampeg SVT-3 Pro. The two are a dream combo! I love the classic Ampeg tone of the 3-pro head, and this cab is one of few that I feel have ever been able to do it justice. Ive also tried this cab with lots of other heads such as some Markbass and Hartke products and it handles those heads and their clear, crisp cleans really well too. Beyond its fat, buttery tone, its the cabs low and that really sets it apart from other cabs. Amped must have put some good thought into the port design on the 410 HLF. It just stays so thick down there! In my mind, the 410HLF even sits ahead of its 6x10 and 8x10 big brothers. It just seems to really fill out the lower part of the spectrum in a fatter way (without having to crank the volume to ridiculous levels) As well as lows the cab has all the punch you'd expect from a 4 ten inch drivers. The horn level control is an ingeniously and elegantly simple feature. I like a bit of pop when I'm doing some funk or gospel where I might be slapping a bit. But sometimes i want to get rid of that for some smooth blues, jazz or rock stuff or whatever. its kind of like an EQ i guess, but somehow behaves a little bit different and i can't really put my finger on it. Its a great Cab. There is a good reason its so popular. Believe it or not I once had a sound guy at a pup gig I was playing tell me to turn up my rig because he preferred the sound of my rig to the PA.. I know, a sound guy :0 Awesome cab.
I recently purchased the SVT-410HLF cab. you advertise that it's the most popular cab on the planet. I totally understand why. this cab delivers everything I need it too. Punch, clarity, bottom end that just moves you. my first gig with this unit I was asked to turn down, I said get stuffed. i did anyway, but I got the best massage on stage, the air movement was incredible, i've never felt anything like it. no more just getting by with under powered rigs. I run a Hartke LH500 into this 4 ohm cab and it just sings. this unit is road ready and when i rock up to gigs, people just go Oooooooo. I totally love it. Thank you Bass centre for setting me up for life. Cheers Wazza
I consider this cabinet a priceless piece of gear to have on hand: I have had my 410 HLF for many years now. Purchased on sale at The Bass Centre. My aim was to reduce the amount of cabinets I was hauling around to rehearsals and gigs (this was before the days of small, light cabinets). The 4 ohm impedance meant I was able to get the full power of my head using one cab. I'm running a Markbass Tube 800 through it these days and there's more than enough power and tone in this combination for any gig. It goes really well with the GK RB series heads by the way. I have no fear of allowing this cab to be used as shared back line - it's bullet proof and can take a whole lot more power than most of not all bassists bring to a gig. It's designed to handle an all valve SVT after all. It fits in the back of my Ford Focus without the need of laying the seats down the handle and wheels help move it around - I've wheeled it up High Street from the corner of Union St to the Northcote Town Hall. Although I do suggest you get an idea of it's weight before buying. It;s not too bad for what it is.